cenne Amogus Picture


Well, if anyone except me is reading this then thanks for reading my stupid blog or congratulations on fuzzing, or somehow landing on this subdomain. This subdomain is dedicated to my favorite book series, Adonis. Heads up, this is more than 4000 pages. I read it in 3 weeks and it took even less time to make me completely fall in love with it. So, if you're here by accident or otherwise, read it to your heart's content.

Thanks to Sephi for this translation. I'm just mirroring it because I never want to lose these.

Table of Contents

Volume 1

Chapter 1: Ianna
Chapter 2: Arhad
Chapter 3: Roberstein
Chapter 4: Exams
Chapter 5: Encounter

Volume 2

Chapter 6: Induction Ceremony
Chapter 7: The Institution
Chapter 8: Slave Traders 1
Side Story: Myth 1

Volume 3

Chapter 9: Slave Traders 2
Chapter 10: The South
Chapter 11: Match
Chapter 12: Awakening

Volume 4

Chapter 13: Clash
Chapter 14: Introspection
Chapter 15: School Festival
Side Story: Myth 2
Chapter 16: Bonds

Volume 5

Chapter 17: Debut
Chapter 18: Training
Chapter 19: The Black Fox 1
Chapter 20: The Black Fox 2

Volume 6

Chapter 21: Transition
Chapter 22: Sidian
Chapter 23: Dragon

Volume 7

Chapter 24: Eiji
Chapter 25: Sword Rise

Volume 8

Chapter 26: Groundwork and Quickening
Side Story: Myth 3

Volume 9

Chapter 27: Roanne, Summer
Chapter 28: Roanne, Autumn
Chapter 29: Roanne, Winter
Chapter 30: Love

Volume 10

Chapter 31: Ex-Knights
Chapter 32: Reconnaissance

Volume 11

Chapter 33: Bahamut
Chapter 33: Bahamut (Page 2)
Chapter 34: Truth and Resolution

Volume 12

Chapter 35: Darkness and Light
Chapter 35: Darkness and Light (Page 2)
Chapter 36: Adonis
Side Story: Myth 4